Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tech Survey for a Date

It looks like from our survey that there are some teachers that would like the three hours of your choice of training. Now I would like several dates to offer to the teachers. If you have a preference, type me in a date.

What is a good date for after school technology for comp time?... at AnswerGarden.ch.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday Technology 1/18

Today, I have a survey for you to complete on Technology inservices to come this spring. Also I have an activity with Word and Post-it notes. You know how I love "post-y notes". I also reviewed the reader used while surfing the web. The time today will be spent with you perusing a website with a plethora of activities.

Link to survey
Link to Ideas to Inspire website

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Technology Tuesday 1/5

Welcome 2011

I am looking forward to 2011.  Each year it seems that it brings new, exciting technologies for us. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us.