Google's Search Tools
Type a calculation and press enter. You will see the answer in the results window.
Conversion Tool
Type something similar to one of the following and press enter.
Be sure to use the word "in."
1 mile in feet
1 cup in tablespoons
100 dollars in Euros
Type "Define:" and then the word you want defined.
define: congruent
define: pragmatic
Type the word "weather" and then the city (or city and state) and then press rturn to see the weather conditions for the next 5 days.
weather Whichita
weather London
weather Gunter, TX
Flight Search
Enter the airline and your flight number and press return to see the flight status.
America 5324
AA 5324
United 786
UA 786
Movie Search
Enter "movie:" and your zip code. This will return a list of theaters, movies, times, and reviews.
Movie: 75090
Movie: 90210
When Are Cherries Harvested
3 months ago
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