Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tech Tuesday 4/19

Today we talked about how we need to connect our classrooms to the cloud - we need a starting point. I gave several examples of how First Class could be used with either a webpage or a listing folder. We talked about saving files as PDF documents so all users could open them from any computer platform.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Technology With Marilyn 4/12/2011

Notice the new feature on this post. Google Docs will now let you embed your presentations into a blog. What a great new feature!

Today, Heather discussed with the group how she uses Garage Band to record her tests for the students that need tests read to them. Then she drops the file into iTunes. From here she turns on file sharing in her iTunes on her personal computer. She chooses the test that she would like the students to have read. The students then can go to any Mac in the building, open iTunes and have the passages read to them. Thanks, Heather for sharing.

The other new concept was geocaching. We challenged the classes or clubs to set up a geocaching site. Geocaching is a treasure hunt where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants. Here is the website to get you going - http://www.geocaching.com/