Tuesday, February 21, 2012

URL Shortener and QR Creator

Google's URL Shortener  QR Creator
Want to make a long URL shorter and turn it into a QR code at the same time? Then head over to http://goo.gl. Shorten your URL. Paste that shortened URL into your browser and add ".qr" to the end of the goo.gl-shortened URL to create an immediate QR matrix barcode.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

TCEA 2012

This week is our annual trip to TCEA. As always it has been a wonderful experience. I will be adding a page to this blog with the many links that were shared with us this week. Some of the top, hot workshops this week were:
1. Anything iPad
2. Anything Google
3. QR Codes
4. Web 2.0 sites
5. 21st skills